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Tue Mar 05 11:41:00 CET 2019

Quantum computer- risks and impacts today!

Quantum computer- risks and impacts today!

Darmstadt, March 5th – The Darmstadt-based high-tech company MTG presents a new generation of security products which allow the seamless integration of PQC algorithms.

Post-quantum cryptography (PQC) is the field of cryptography that deals with cryptographic primitives and algorithms that are secure against an attack by a large-scale quantum computer. Commercial quantum computers will be available with a 50% probability by the end of the next decade. However, this is not a futuristic fantasy, because PQC is already relevant today for long-lasting products and critical infrastructures.

Affected are industries, such as for example: 

  • transportation (e.g. automotive industry, railways, airports) and
  • energy supply (e.g. power plant operation, grid operation),
  • public authorities (e.g. police, military, government, judiciary),
  • research & development (e.g. high-tech companies, government research institutions).

As long-lasting products and services from these industries enter the quantum computer age, they are vulnerable to attacks from such systems.

The protection of data against future decryption by quantum computers is already possible today with MTG´s PQC portfolio.  MTG presented its PQC solutions in the German Pavilion, which is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi).

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