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Digital mobility concepts require secure information and communication systems. MTG solutions protect critical key material and provide a reliable trust anchor for all networked participants.

Networked mobility

IT security will play a major role in a connected, mobile world.

(© Rowan Heuvel/unsplash)
Public Key Infrastructure

PKI for networked mobility

The development of innovative mobility concepts always requires the clear authentication of digital identities. The utilization of a public key infrastructure ensures that the networked transport infrastructure can be operated securely without any problems. Vehicles and transportation providers are thus uniquely identifiable and can exchange data in encrypted form.

PKI for Automotive Industries - ENX

The requirements for information security, data protection and the trustworthiness of solutions are an important factor for automotive manufacturers and their suppliers. The ENX Association uses certificate services based on the MTG Trust Center PKI for secure and trustworthy collaboration in industrial added-value networks. 

Hardware Security Module

Special Developments
for Hardware Security Modules - HSM

The automotive industry has very high requirements concerning digital processes for modern vehicles. MTG develops specialized software modules for specific security processes of vehicle manufacturers or suppliers. These are integrated into hardware security modules and thus fulfill highest protection requirements.

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